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Colloques et Ateliers


Dans le cadre du programme SAS (Signs and States : Semiotics of the Modern State) ont été financés des colloques romains en collaboration avec l’École française de Rome, des Ateliers franco-italien et enfin des colloques internationaux qui ont reçu le soutien d’autres institutions. Leur participation figure dans les fichiers des programmes proprement dits.

Theoretical and empirical approaches have been dealt with in three sets of conferences. The subject and the number of these conferences have been slightly modified since the project started, as new preoccupations have emerged, but basically they remain on the lines defined at the start of the project. Two of these series were conceived before the start of the SAS grant but their proceedings are included here for greater consistency. The conferences organized in Rome in cooperation with the French School at Rome are devoted to themes which are central to the project. The 2009 (non-SAS) conference on “Marquer la ville” is now practically ready for publication, but more important are the subsequent conferences on implicit legitimation (2010, 2011) and on the function of truth in the communication system (2012). These explore the problematic of the “Vecteurs de l’idéel” as defined by the anthropologist Maurice Godelier. The Franco-Italian workshops are more orientated towards methodological issues. Rites (the “Cattolica” University of Mailand in 2009), political languages (the “Statale” University of Mailand in 2010), the signs of social distinction (Palermo 2011), values (Torino in 2012) and space (2013) have been selected as the main topics and the two first conferences have already been published. The third set of conferences deals with comparative political themes which, if they may appear more traditional, are nonetheless directly linked to our approach : the relations between church and state (Bourges 2011, a conference which was also an homage to Hélène Millet, the founder of the Fasti Galliae Ecclesiae), the relation between art and power (Versailles 2012), assemblies and the building of consensus (Dijon 2013), and finally the emergence of the constitutional idea in the West (2014). Access to the published and pre-published material will be offered on the site of the LAMOP (see below).